remove_subscription_warning=Do you really wish to remove this subscription?
import_filters_wrong_version=Warning: some of the filters in this list require Adblock Plus -- to work properly. You should probably upgrade to the latest Adblock Plus release before importing this list.
import_filters_warning=Do you wish to replace your current filters or append the new filters at the end of the list?
import_filters_title=Import filters
export_filters_title=Export filters
invalid_filters_file=Not a valid Adblock Plus filters file.
filters_write_error=There was an error writing filters to the file. Make sure the file is not write protected or open in another program.
clearall_warning=Do you really want to remove all filters from the list?
resethitcounts_warning=Do you really wish to reset hit counts for all filters? This operation cannot be undone.
resethitcounts_selected_warning=Do you really wish to reset hit counts for the selected filters? This operation cannot be undone.
filter_regexp_tooltip=This filter is either a regular expression or too short to be optimised. Too many of these filters might slow down your browsing.
filter_elemhide_duplicate_id=Only one ID of the element to be hidden can be specified
filter_elemhide_nocriteria=No criteria specified to recognise the element to be hidden
subscription_no_location=Please enter a location to download filters from.
subscription_invalid_location=Filter list location is neither a valid URL nor a valid file name.
subscription_location_exists=You are already subscribed to this filter list.
synchronize_invalid_url=Failed: not a valid address